Hazrat Inayat Khan, a Sufi musician and mystic writes: “There are 2 attitudes, which divide people into 2 sections.
The one is an ever-complaining attitude, and the other is an ever-smiling attitude. Life is the same; call it good, call it bad;
it is what it is, it cannot be otherwise.
A person complains in order to get the sympathy of others and
to show them his good points, sometimes in order to show himself as more just, more intelligent, and also in the right. He complains about everything, about his health, about those he loves and much more about those he hates. He complains from morning till evening. It can increase to such an extent that the weather is not good and the air is not good, and the atmosphere
is not good. He is against both earth and sky, and everything everybody does is wrong. Until it reaches the stage where man dislikes himself.
In this way he grows to be against others, against conditions,
and in the end against himself.
He is his own worst enemy.
Besides, magnetism is the need of every soul; the lack of it makes life burdensome. The tendency of seeing wrong in everything robs one to a great extent of that magnetism which is needed very much in life.
For the nature of life is such that naturally the multitude only accepts those who come to it with the power of magnetism, and casts out everyone else. But the way out is to look at the bright side of it.
The attitude of looking at everything with a smile is the sign of a saintly soul. A smile given to a friend, a smile given even to an enemy
will win him over in the end; for this is the key to the heart of man.
As the sunshine from without lights the whole world, so the sunshine from within, would illuminate the whole life, in spite of all seeming wrongs and in spite of all limitations.
One can begin to learn to smile by appreciating every little good thing that comes in one’s way through life. Be not troubled too much about unnecessary things in life, which gives nothing but displeasure
In this way, man develops gratefulness in his nature, and expresses it
in his thought, speech, and action, as an exquisite form of beauty”
A great Zen master entered the hall where all the disciples had gathered for the evening meditation and said:
“there is good news tonight and bad news. First the bad news: there is no good news.
Now the good news: you dont have to listen to the bad news”